Minna Törmänen, Prof. Dr.
Category Persons
Senior Researcher
- Telephone
- +41 44 317 13 43
- minna.toermaenen [at] hfh.ch
- Room
- 328
- Institute
- Institut für Professionalisierung und SystementwicklungTo the institute
Tätigkeit an der HfH
- Mitarbeiterin Institut für Professionalisierung und Systementwicklung
- Senior Researcher
- Dozentin
- International collaboration
- A reviewer in journals on learning and neuropsychological disabilities, interventions and teacher education, in addition to representation in scientific committees
My research interests lie in development and individual learning and educational capabilities within persons from early education to adult education having either special needs or being at-risk. The core for my research interests is in learning processes and especially in cognitive processing, like executive functioning and its development, and importantly, in research-based practices i.e., in interventions. I have researched both cognitive and curriculum-based interventions in school settings in several different countries and educational systems. Intervention studies in school settings are also connected to broad interests in teacher education and educational systems.
Besides multidisciplinary research on learning competences and its background factors I have applied my research in the field of different pedagogical methods and quality of learning environments including ideologies of inclusion. My research on inclusive education is based on multidisciplinary and international approach when developing inclusion and equity. Here are keywords for my research interests:
- Children with learning and neuropsychological disabilities and being at-risk
- Cognitive development and learning environment
- Using interventions in school settings
- Teacher education (early and primary education, and special needs education)
- International approach on inclusive education, inclusion and equity
- Associate Professor in Special Education, Åbo Akademi University, Finland
- Principal Investigator, University of Helsinki, Finland
- PhD in Special Education, University of Helsinki, Finland
- Master of Education, University of Helsinki, Finland. Degree of Class teacher: Specialization: Special Education, Music, Mother tongue Finnish
- Doctoral studies in Music Education, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts, Finland
Forschung zu
- Children’s Development and the Role of Learning Environment: Developmental Progression, Pedagogical Methods and Inclusive Education
- Research-based interventions and children with learning/neuropsychological disabilities, at-risk or typical development: Cognitive development, executive functions and comorbidity
- Inclusive Education: Multidisciplinary and international approach when developing inclusion and equity
Das Forschungsprofil ist multidisziplinär und international und wurde in verschiedenen Projekten zu drei thematischen Themen umgesetzt
1. Children's Development and the Role of Learning Environment: Developmental Progression, Pedagogical Methods and Inclusive Education
- «Longitudinalstudie ZEPPELIN (the Zurich Equity Prevention Project with Parents’ Participation and Integration) - Förderung ab Geburt» (PI: Lanfranchi, Neuhauser, Schaub, Ramseier & Törmänen, HfH Zürich, CH). My main topic: Children with preterm birth and their cognitive development and executive functions in families with social burdens.
- «Inclusive Education and Special Needs Educational Governance in Europe – Multidisciplinary approach when developing inclusion and equity» (PI: Törmänen and Wicki, HfH) My main topic: Inclusive education in Finland and international aspects on educational systems.
- «Inclusive education or segregated special education: Longitudinal study of developmental outcomes of children in classes for special educational needs» (PI: Törmänen, University of Helsinki, Finland (UH) and Roebers, University of Bern, CH)
- «Enhancing Children’s Learning through Intent Participation – Understanding Relationship between Pedagogical Sensitivity and Stress Regulation» (PI: Sajaniemi, Suhonen, Kontu, Törmänen et al; UH)
- «Playful Learning in the Brain», multi-disciplinary research project in early education, neuroscience and special education. (PI: Huotilainen, Törmänen & Roebers; UH and University of Bern).
2. Research-based interventions and children with typical development, learning disabilities or at-risk: Background factors and comorbidity
- «Early numeracy intervention study for low performing children in South African schools» (PI: Aunio, Ragpot, Törmänen, Korhonen & Henning; University of Helsinki (UH), Finland and University of Johannesburg, SA)
- «Longitudinal intervention study Arts@School in inclusive education: Musical and movement activities and their effects on children`s academic achievements and cognitive functioning» (PI: Tervaniemi & Anttila, Juntunen, Törmänen, Linnavalli, Tiippana; UH and University of Arts, FI)
- «An intervention study on executive functions with pre- and primary school children with severe developmental disabilities» (PI: Törmänen, Roebers, Kontu; UH and University of Bern, CH).
- «Cognitive Interventions in Swiss Schools - Transfer effects and multidisciplinary perspectives» (PI: Studer, Törmänen, Margelisch & Perrig; University of Bern and UH).
- «Auditory - Visual Matching in Learning Disabilities: Intervention Studies from Finland and Sweden» (PI: Törmänen, Takala & Karma; UH and Sibelius Academy, FI)
3. Special Music Education: Cognitive Processing in Developmental Disabilities & Inclusion, Equality and Interaction
- «Music for All». Definitions and outlining of special music education in the framework of inclusive education (PI: Kontu, Törmänen, Pirttimaa, et al.; UH and University of Jyväskylä, FI).
Zeitschriftenartikel (peer-reviewed)
- (2013).Savant-lahjakkuus ja yleisen älykkyyden käsite. [in English: Descriptions of Intelligence from a Perspective of Savant Phenomenon.].NMI-Bulletin,23(1),23–33.
- (2009).Auditory Processing in Developmental Dyslexia: An Exploratory Study of an Auditory and Visual Matching Training Program with Swedish Children with Developmental Dyslexia.Scandinavian Journal of Psychology,50(3),277 –285.
- (2009).Inclusive Special Education: The Role of Special Education Teachers in Finland.British Journal of Special Education,36(3),162–172.
- (2008).Learning Disabilities and the Auditory and Visual Matching Computer Program.Support for Learning,3(2),80–88.
Bücher und Buchbeiträge
Weitere Publikationen
- (2010).Auditory <=> Visual Matching in Learning Disabilities: Intervention Studies from Finland and Sweden (Nr. 1795-2158)[Dissertation, University of Helsinki, Finland, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences].Yliopistopaino.
- Self-Regulation Development in At-Risk Families: The Importance of Family Resources[Konferenzvortrag].EARLI SIG5 2022 Conference, Learning and Development in Early Childhood. Changing times in ECEC: New Opportunities for fostering development and improving sustainability,Utrecht, Niederlande.
- Families with Social Burdens and the Cognitive Development and Executive Functions of a Child with Preterm Birth. A Longitudinal Intervention Study[Poster].ECER 2021 Conference (European Conference on Educational Research) «Education and Society: expectations, prescriptions, reconciliations»,Online Geneva, Switzerland.
- How preterm birth and social burdens of the family are affecting on children`s executive functions?[Konferenzabstract].19th Biennial EARLI Conference «Education and Citizenship: Learning and Instruction and the Shaping of Futures»,Online Göteborg, Sweden.
- Wissenstransfer zwischen Bildungsstatistik, Bildungsforschung und Bildungspolitik in Finnland? Interaktiven Roundtable: Heilpädagogik im Spannungsfeld bildungspolitischer Akteure - Wissenstransfer zwischen Bildungsstatistik, Bildungsforschung und Bildungspolitik[Konferenzabstract].2020 Congress of the Swiss Society for Educational Research, Knowledge at the intersection of research, practices and learning, University of Teacher Education BEJUNE,Biel/Bienne, Switzerland.
- Inclusive Education and Special Needs Educational Governance in Europe - comparative analysis on research priorities.: In symposium: “Inclusive Education and Special Needs Educational Governance – Multidisciplinary approach when developing inclusion and equity[Konferenzvortrag].EARLI SIG15, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Special Needs Education SIG: Learning difficulties and inclusion: Challenges (and solutions) for the future,Online conference, London UK.
- Inclusive Education and Special Needs Educational Governance[Konferenzvortrag].HfH-Forschungskolloquium,Zürich, Schweiz.
- Inclusive Education in Finland[Konferenzabstract].Inclusive Education and Special Needs Educational Governance in Europe - Scientific Exchange for comparative analysis,Zürich, Schweiz.
- “Music for All” – poikkitieteellinen ja kansainvälinen tutkimushanke taidekasvatuksen erityispedagogiikasta. [in English: “Music for All” – Multidisciplinary and international research on special education in art education].[Konferenzvortrag].Music for All - Research Conference,Helsinki, Finland.
- “The Piano Man - Tom" A Longitudinal Research on Music Therapy with an Autistic Man.[Konferenzvortrag].IACEP 2012 European Regional Conference,Genf, Schweiz.
- ”Savant-ilmiö” – esimerkillään taustoittamassa uutta tieteenalaa; musiikin erityispedagogiikkaa, [in English: The Savant Phenomen – An Example behind the new science genre; special music education].[Konferenzvortrag].Music for All - Research Conference,Helsinki, Finland.
- An intervention study of executive functions on cognitive and mathematical performance of children with severe learning disabilities.[Konferenzvortrag].Special Education today, Conference,Helsinki, Finland.
- Arts@School: A longitudinal study of three arts interventions.[Konferenzvortrag].Music for All - Annual conference: Special Music Centre Resonaari,Helsinki, Finland.
- Auditory = Visual Matching in Learning Disabilities: Intervention Studies from Finland and Sweden.[Konferenzvortrag].LDW World Congress on Learning Disabilities,Zürich, Schweiz.
- Children´s Stress Regulation and Learning: Demographic Factors, Temperament and the Quality of Preschool Environment as Predictors of Daily Cortisol Changes among Six-Year-Old Finnish Children.[Konferenzvortrag].IACEP 2012 European Regional Conference,Genf, Schweiz.
- Cognitive Interventions in elementary school settings. The influence of auditory-visual matching and working memory interventions with typically developed children and children with learning difficulties.[Konferenzvortrag].Symposium: Multisensory perception and learning, CICERO Learning Symposium,Helsinki, Finland.
- Cognitive Interventions in Service center of Cognition, Learning and Memory.[Poster].13th Biannual Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society,Basel, Schweiz.
- Cognitive Interventions in Swiss Schools - Transfer effects and multidisciplinary perspectives.[Konferenzvortrag].16th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction,Limassol, Cyprus.
- Cognitive Interventions in Swiss Schools - Transfer effects and multidisciplinary perspectives.[Konferenzvortrag].13th Biannual Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society,Basel, Schweiz.
- Cognitive Interventions with Children with Special Needs - Transfer effects and multidisciplinary perspectives, First Results.[Konferenzvortrag].Clinical Neuroscience Meeting,Bern, Schweiz.
- Developmental outcomes of children in classes for special educational needs: results from a longitudinal study.[Konferenzvortrag].FERA Conference on Education,Rovaniemi, Finland.
- Early numeracy intervention for South African first graders with mathematical learning difficulties.[Konferenzvortrag].EARLI SIG 15 Conference, "Inclusive education: An integrated research framework on disability, diversity and heterogeneity in education",Potsdam, Deutschland.
- First grade children’s competence in executive functions, numeracy and listening comprehension.[Konferenzvortrag].In Symposium: Executive functions as precursors of mathematical skills, The 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI),Tampere, Finland.
- Förväntningar och erfarenheter kring handledarutbildning för klasslärare: lärarröster i fokus [in English: Supervisor process in teacher education].[Konferenzvortrag].FERA Conference on Education,Rovaniemi, Finland.
- Intervention study on executive functions with children with special educational needs.[Konferenzvortrag].Special Needs Education SIG meeting,Leuven, Belgium.
- Music, movement and learning – an intervention study in primary education.[Konferenzvortrag].Research Symposium of the Hollo Institute, Back to Senses – Exploring Future Directions of Arts Education,Helsinki, Finland.
- Music, movement and learning – focus on interventions in multicultural and inclusive primary education.[Konferenzvortrag].FERA Conference on Education,Rovaniemi, Finland.
- Music, movement and learning: Longitudinal intervention study in primary education.[Konferenzvortrag].JustEd2018 International Research Conference: ‘Promoting Justice through Education’,Helsinki, Finland.
- Music, movement and learning: Longitudinal intervention study in primary education.[Konferenzvortrag].EARLI SIG 15 Conference, "Inclusive education: An integrated research framework on disability, diversity and heterogeneity in education",Potsdam, Deutschland.
- Neuromusical methods in special educational research.[Konferenzvortrag].FERA Conference on Education: Education & Interaction,Helsinki, Finland.
- Role of executive functioning in children`s academic outcomes, like in early mathematics: How to improve positive development within education.[Konferenzvortrag].Thinking and Learning from Research in Early Childhood Education,Johannesburg, South Africa.
- Service center of Cognition, Learning and Memory.[Poster].Nacht der Forschung,Bern, Schweiz.
- Special Needs education and rehabilitation plans in support of school aged children.[Poster].EARLI SIG 15: Special Educational Needs. Cognition, Socio-emotional Functioning and the Environment: Bridging the Divide.,Leuven, Belgium.
- ThinkMath Web Service[Konferenzvortrag].Conference in Special Education: The Special Education today in Finland,Helsinki, Finland.
- Three cognitive interventions in children with and without learning difficulties.[Konferenzvortrag].Oppimisen haasteet nyt ja tulevaisuudessa 18. valtakunnallinen tutkijatapaaminen, (Conference on challenges on learning),Jyväskylä, Finland.
Andere Referate/Vorträge (im Berufsfeld, Vorlesung an Hochschule etc.)
- The role of individual learning capabilities in "Music for All" reform.Music for All - Annual conference: Special Music Centre Resonaari,Helsinki, Finland.
- Varför behövs det en lärarutbildning med profilering mot flerspråkighet och mångfald? [in English: Why there is a need for teacher education focused on diversity, multilingualism, and equity] .Demonstration Lecture for University Lecturer position in Educational Sciences,Helsinki, Finland.
- What does working memory mean and how are the disabilities in WM.Expert on a public TV program,